Sunday, June 21, 2009


Hannah and I were standing at 5:30AM on Saturday at the bus stop literally right across the street from our house, when two men approached us from the side and before I knew it, one of them had grabbed my bag (which I had stupidly left on the ground), and the other had threatened Hannah and took hers. I ran after them and managed to wrestle my bag back (and somehow in the process also came out with the guy's jacket, lol?). The first guy turned around, glared at me and pointed a gun at me. I did what I never hoped I would do in such a situation: I froze. I didn't block any vital organs, didn't Matrix-roll my way out of the way of danger, didn't think any potential last thoughts. Definitely didn't "see my life flash before my eyes." Just thought "oh Shit, it's a gun" and backed off, gaping stupidly. By this time our host family had ran out of the house and the neighbors were peeking out of their windows to see what was up, and all I could explain to them was "robar," pointing at my bag to Hannah to down the street. A taxi cab drove by and we hopped in with mum and circled the block a bit hoping to run into them - they had cleverly decided to hide though. Finally we came back and I dumped my camera and cell phone into my suitcase, grabbed my Bible, and stuck my cash in my sock. We got another taxi and got to the Tortuguero bus meeting place a bit late. All of this happened within 20 minutes. A frightening beginning to a good, yet at-times frustrating weekend in the rainforest and Caribbean Sea (tbc)...


  1. Oh my gosh, Rita, this sounds terrifying. I am so glad you're okay. Praise God for protecting you, and please keep us updated. I will be praying for your safety.

  2. Rita, thank God so much that you're all right. Please do be careful. I will keep you in my prayers.

  3. Wow, you've been through so much. Mmm you really should be very careful, keep your friends and things close. (Although it was recklessly impressive you chased them down yourself)

    Estamos sumamente agradecido por tu seguridad. Alabar al Senor.

    Will make sure to pray for your and everyone abroads safety, hope you're doing alright.

  4. Really scary; I'm really glad you're okay. I hope the Tortuguero trip was memorable though.


  5. lol u SHOULD have done a matrix-roll and inject them with some ritalin. too bad :( what happened to the robber with the gun? did he run away or got on a cab? be safe :D
